Happy World Soil Day 2020!

Blog Introduction

Image credit: Chantel Chizen

Welcome to my very first blog post! Over the past year, I have found myself frequently reflecting on how I stumbled onto the path of studying soil science and all the wonderful experiences that I’ve had so far. With a love for writing, I have been enamored with the idea of documenting these reflections in a blog. I had built this website over the summer of 2020 and was excitedly, brainstorming blog posts (stay tuned for a build-your-own website post!). As I should know by now, life happens and this project was pushed aside time and time again as I found myself exploring a new city, spending quality time with friends, and navigating the start of my PhD journey.

So here we are — finally!!! In celebration of World Soil Day 2020 on December 5, I couldn’t imagine a better a time to debut this blog. I think of this space as a journal and hopefully a resource for others looking to learn more about soils or grad school. With these intentions I’ll be sharing the how I got involved in soil science research, the ups-and-downs of my being a grad student, grad school tips, and of course - soil science facts and highlights from the soil science community! One of my personal goals is to set more realistic timelines for myself, so with that in mind I’ll be aiming to post at least once month.

To end this off, I wanted to feature World Soil Day and invite you to explore the many organizations and people who are celebrating soil science on social media using #WorldSoilDay and #SoilBiodiversity. This year’s theme is “Keep Soil Alive. Protect Soil Biodiversity”. Here are some great resources on how everyone can help stop soil biodiversity loss and increase the appreciation for soils:

Happy World Soil Day!

– Chantel

Chantel J. Chizen
Chantel J. Chizen
PhD Candidate - Soil Science

Hello! My name is Chantel Chizen and I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Saskatchewan. My PhD research investigates wetland soil carbon storage in agricultural landscapes across the Prairie Pothole Region. I was introduced to the field of soil science during my undergraduate degree and was fascinated by its relevance across various sectors like agriculture, forestry, and environmental conservation. My favourite aspects of soil science are the field courses and the inspiring community of soil scientists. When I’m not working on my research, I enjoy exploring the outdoors, playing board games, and practicing yoga.
